Can Your Relationship Survive Christmas Quiz? Editorial Team
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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 23 | Updated: Dec 15, 2022

Christmas can put enormous pressure and expectations on people. Although it is a celebration of love and the marking of a new beginning, we tend to have huge expectations from Christmas due to its depiction in popular culture and the media. Families are supposed to come together and have a wonderful and loving time, and you have to find the perfect gift for everyone. Of course, you are also expected to have a lot of fun in the meanwhile. 

Tricky, isn’t it? This quiz will tell you if you can effectively manage the holiday season and not let your relationship be affected by it. So take this “Can your relationship survive Christmas” quiz to find out where you are lacking.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you two celebrated Christmas before?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but not with family

C. Not together

D. No

2. Which Christmas song are you?

A. Twelve days of Christmas

B. Sleigh ride

C. Please come home for Christmas

D. Blue Christmas

3. How would you like to decorate your Christmas tree this year?

A. With everyone's favorite decorations and gifts

B. With things me and my partner decide

C. Whatever seems easy

D. Just lights

4. What gets you both most excited about Christmas?

A. Everything

B. Spending it together

C. Parties

D. We aren't that excited

5. Are you and your partner feeling emotionally stable this festival season?

A. Yes, we are great

B. Most of the time

C. Only when we are occupied

D. I don't think so

6. Will you both trust each other with a couple Christmas cards?

A. Yes

B. Most likely

C. Maybe

D. No

7. If there is a disagreement about Christmas plans, how will you manage the situation?

A. We will talk and sort it out

B. We will discuss the options

C. One of us will probably back down

D. We both will go with our separate plans

8. Do you both make an effort to be a secret Santa for each other?

A. Yes, We love it

B. We try our best

C. If we have enough time

D. I don't think so

9. Do you have the same taste when it comes to Christmas celebrations?

A. Yes

B. Almost

C. Not really

D. Completely apart

10. Do you frequently celebrate special occasions together?

A. Yes

B. Mostly

C. Sometimes

D. Never

11. How are preparations for Christmas in your case?

A. I get help from the entire family and don't allow this to stress me

B. I leave everything to the last minute, it's not such a big deal

C. I do everything myself because I like to be in control

D. I get anxious due to the prospect of having to please everyone

12. What do you think of first when you hear Christmas?

A. Doing something special as a couple

B. Spending time with family and friends

C. Visiting all the families around the country

D. Avoiding the in-laws

13. You want to spend Christmas at home, but your partner has a completely different plan. What do you choose?

A. I would consider their idea this year and maybe end up enjoying something different

B. I would try to find a way to compromise

C. I would tell them this is not my habit

D. I would get angry and annoyed with the situation

14. How would you react if your partner buys you a silly present for Christmas?

A. I would enjoy the gift

B. I would feel a bit disappointed

C. I would tell them that I expect the real gift soon

D. I would express my disappointment and instances from the past

15. How is a talk between you and your partner about the upcoming holiday season?

A. Relaxed with a sense of pleasant anticipation

B. Funny, it all sounds like a big party

C. Tensed, everything seems in chaos

D. It usually ends in a fight

16. How do you reach if the Christmas evening doesn’t come out as you had expected?

A. I graciously accept it and forget about it without much of a fuss

B. I would be a little disappointed but I’ll get over it in a few days

C. I’ll pretend I am fine even if I’m ready to explode

D. I would get into an argument with my partner because they would likely to blame for this

17. What are your and your partner’s habits related to buying presents?

A. We talk about the budget and agree on a suitable amount of money

B. We blow a lot of money

C. We buy presents without admitting how much they cost

D. Each one buys their own presents because we are clueless about each other’s preferences

18. How does Christmas time with the extended family look like?

A. We try to make the best of it and avoid hot topics

B. We tolerate each other somehow

C. Everybody pretends they're happy

D. We end up rowing because of old family tensions

19. How stressed are you about the prospect of Christmas being around the corner?

A. No stress whatsoever, I look forward to it

B. A little but it's not pain

C. Moderately, as it's a work in progress

D. Very stressed

20. How do you plan your activities for Christmas?

A. Loosely, I like to be spontaneous about it

B. I discuss activity ideas with everyone

C. I argue a lot with my partner

D. I simply have things the way I want them

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