Are you experiencing bumps in your relationship or marriage? If you and your spouse are fighting more often than usual and marriage conflicts have become a staple, then maybe you need some marriage counseling. Marriage therapy and couples counseling can work wonders when it comes to salvaging a relationship. Take these counseling quizzes to know if you need marital counseling, and how you could benefit from couples counseling, and navigate the challenges of a relationship. Also, by taking these counseling quizzes, you will be able to explore the behaviors that support happy relationships. So, sit down with your partner and reflect on common conflicts and pet peeves that couples complain about in their married life. These counseling quizzes can definitely help you identify and overcome common marriage and relationship conflicts.
Sometimes, our children have early signs of mental health concerns for a variety of reasons. We must get our children the help they need as early as possible. Some signs your child may need counseling include aggressive behavior, being easily agitated, and developmental delays. Counseling can help guide your steps as you parent your child. Are you considering counseling for your child? Take our quiz and find out if counseling may be helpful for you and your family.
Couples therapists have worked with all kinds of couples – the good, the bad, and the ugly. One thing is for sure – relationship repair and improvement is very difficult on your own, and couples therapy can help when things get tough. This quiz will tell you how much your relationship needs therapy. Try our 'Do You Need Couples Therapy' Quiz and find out whether you need the assistance of an expert to make your relationship better
As much as we want to be seen as healthy and sane, we may need to see a therapist and share some of our worries.
Most of the reasons why therapists are important are because we can vent about things with them, and they also have answers to most of our worries since they have studied to understand how our minds work.
Seeing a therapist is a healthy activity for anyone and in no way signifies that you are not sane or healthy. So, do you think you need to see a therapist? Take our ‘Should I see a therapist?’ quiz and find out now.
Loneliness is a difficult feeling to deal with. If you are wondering which type of loneliness personality you relate to, then this quiz will help you know. Many causes can make you feel lonely, and being social animals, we can’t be alone for a long time. It is also not a good defense strategy to not be close to people. You must have at least one person you can count on. Take this loneliness quiz to find out what type of a loner you are?