Does He Love Me Quiz

Juliana Alpízar
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Juliana Alpízar, Sex Therapist
Juliana Alpízar
Sex Therapist
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Review Board Member

Juliana Alpízar is a Sexologist and Coach specializing in unconventional sexual practices. She uses her knowledge in Communication and coaching to support individuals,... Read More

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 25133 | Updated: Aug 20, 2024

The early stages of romance can be a little confusing, no matter how exciting. You are still trying to figure each other out and understand the relationship dynamics.

You might have surpassed the friendship stage, but have you genuinely fallen in love with each other yet?

Have you been hit by the love bug and are unsure if your partner feels the same way about you?

It can be the cause of anxiety for you and lead to misunderstandings, too. Clarity about how he feels can help you assess your situation and take appropriate steps in your relationship.

If you are unsure about how he feels, fret not. The 'Does he love me' quiz will help put all concerning notions to rest.

Questions Excerpt

1. Is he concerned about your happiness?

A. Yes, sometimes

B. Yes, always

C. Not really

2. Does he call or text you randomly?

A. Sometimes

B. Not really

C. Yes, all the time

3. Does he surprise you with small gifts, flowers, or notes?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, all the time

4. Does he treat you like you are special to him?

A. Not really

B. Yes, he does

C. Sometimes

5. Does he remember little details about you?

A. Yes, he does

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

6. Has he shared sad or traumatic things from his past with you?

A. Kind of

B. Yes, he has

C. No

7. How doe he react to your success?

A. He is always happy about my successes

B. He seems to get jealous

C. It depends

8. What does he do when he sees you going through a problem?

A. He seems concerned

B. He tries to help me in every way

C. He lets me handle it on my own

9. Does he compliment you?

A. Yes, sometimes

B. Yes, all the time

C. Not really

10. Who says sorry first after an argument?

A. It’s always me

B. He apologizes first

C. It depends

11. How often does he make eye contact with you?

A. Rarely

B. Very often

C. Never

12. How often does he show affection towards you?

A. Never

B. Very often

C. Often

13. Does he ever talk about the future with you?

A. Yes, quite often

B. Never

C. Yes, sometimes

14. Has he introduced you to his friends?

A. No

B. Yup, I know all of them

C. Only some of them

15. How often does he tell you that he loves you?

A. Never

B. Very often

C. Often

16. He treats me with the utmost respect.

A. Strongly agree

B. Agree

C. Strongly disagree

17. Has he introduced you to his family?

A. I’ve met a few members of his family

B. Yes

C. No

18. How often does he communicate with you?

A. Often

B. Very often

C. Never

19. It is clear that he makes you a priority instead of an option.

A. Disagree

B. Strongly agree

C. Agree

20. How often does he text you during the day?

A. Never

B. Very often

C. Often

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