Taking mental health quizzes can be one of the easiest ways to determine whether your mental health and overall happiness are at its optimum or if you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition that needs attention. Whether or not you live with a mental health problem like high levels of stress or depression, these mental health quizzes are the quickest way to do a mental health check-in. Find out your positive mental health levels, your triggers, develop coping strategies to de-stress, and enhance your general sense of happiness with these mental health quizzes. Good mental health is about monitoring your mental well-being and taking corrective steps to prevent any early signs of depression and anxiety from becoming worse. Taking time out for the mental health quizzes is the least you can do today as the first step towards self-awareness and improving your mental health.
Daddy issues can be the butt of some stereotypical jokes, but they are also a real thing. Daddy issues are mostly patterns that are formed by unresolved problems with a father figure in one’s life. And both men and women can have them!
If you find these issues interfering with your happiness or relationship, seek help from a therapist or community mental health clinic. But first, you can take this "Do I have daddy issues" quiz and find out if you do.
Narcissism is not just thinking you look great and are smart; it is actually having a narcissistic personality disorder. Symptoms of this disorder include a grandiose sense of self-importance, dreaming of unlimited success and beauty, having a sense of entitlement, and lacking empathy, just to start with.
If you recognize these signs in your partner, take this ‘Is my partner a narcissist’ quiz to find out if you’re living with a narcissist!
A traumatic childhood or a people-pleasing attitude can often lead to abandonment issues. This translates into living under constant fear of being left out and incessantly craving people’s love and attention. People suffering from abandonment syndrome have low self-worth and struggle with prioritizing themselves over others. They constantly feel a void within themselves, leading them to seek validation from others. So, do you suffer from abandonment syndrome? If you think you do, take our Abandonment Issues quiz now.
Gaslighting is a severe issue and it can happen when someone tries to make you doubt your reality. It is a form of emotional abuse, and though we often associate it with romantic partners, anyone can gaslight you: a parent, a friend, or even a boss. Make sure that you take time to heal, perhaps through therapy or through time and distance. Find what you need to be healthy.
Take this 'Am I being gaslighted?' quiz to have a clearer picture.
Have you been struggling with controlling your emotions or feelings? Do you feel like you didn’t get the love and unconditional support from your parents that most people get? Do you feel like you were ignored or not cared about while growing up, and has it created issues that you still struggle with?
First, you are not alone if you are feeling this way. And second, regardless of how many children experience this in childhood, it is not fair and should not happen.
Sometimes, abuse is hard to identify. You might spend time questioning whether your experience can be truly seen as abuse.
If you worry that you might be suffering from emotional abuse from your parents, take this quiz to see if you are.
Emotional exhaustion happens when your body goes into full crisis mode and stays there. Perhaps stressful events have been happening, and they keep happening. our body responds by staying in a place of heightened readiness.
Unfortunately, this can lead to being unable to rest. This may lead to you being emotionally exhausted. Take this quiz to find out now.
Take this 'Am I emotionally exhausted' quiz to find out now:
Asperger's syndrome may cause many relationship problems, especially when it's undiagnosed and your partner is not aware of it. Asperger's is a form of high-functioning autism spectrum disorder. People with Asperger's learn to cope with "normal" behaviors, but they have difficulty regulating their internal social meters. If you're confused about your partner's behaviors, then take this Does My Partner Have Asperger's quiz to find out the possibility that your partner has Asperger's. Please note that a clinical diagnosis is essential if considering this seriously.
Both masochists and sadists are on different extremes of the BDSM preferences types You can say they are either different sides of the same coin or the two ends of the same personality.
Honestly, who wouldn’t want to know where they fit in with this?
A vicious sadist or a weak masochist, none of the options seem good. But alas, what are you? Take this, are you a sadist or a masochist quiz to find out?