The Ultimate Marriage Compatibility Quiz Editorial Team
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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 12255 | Updated: Aug 13, 2023

Compatibility is the key to a successful, enduring, and happy relationship. Compatibility is cumulative of many things. Shared interests, personal views on a relationship, preferences, and viewpoints in politics, life, and philosophy. Based on this, it’s unlikely for polar opposite people to enter into a relationship and then sustain it for an extended period. 

If you are in a marriage with difficult situations and your relationship is in danger of turning sore, there’s still some hope. A marriage compatibility test can help you determine if your potential partner is for keeps, or sooner or later, the cracks are bound to appear. This ultimate marriage compatibility quiz will help you identify the conflicting issues together. Even if one or both of you are not presently putting in a lot of hard work in your marriage, there is still hope as you will find a perspective and hopefully resolve the compatibility issues and see each other in a new light.  

Questions Excerpt

1. How would you describe your personality?

A. Passionate

B. Intelligent

C. Organized

D. Fun-loving

2. How would you describe your partner’s personality?

A. Funny

B. Hard-working

C. Easygoing

D. Serious

3. How often do the two of you see each other?

A. Every day

B. A few times a week

C. Once a week

D. Once a month

4. How often do the two of you talk to each other?

A. Every day

B. Every few days

C. Once a week

D. Once a month

5. How often do you talk about your future together?

A. Often, we both want the same things for our future

B. A few times; we have a few disagreements, but we generally have the same future in mind

C. Rarely; I try to bring it up, but they don't seem to want to talk about it

D. Never; we’ve never talked about it and don’t feel the need to

6. Do you get along with their friends?

A. Yes, we get along really well

B. Yeah, I like them, but we don’t hang out very much

C. Not really

D. I’ve never met his/her friends

7. Do they get along with your friends?

A. Yes, they really likes my friends

B. Yeah, but they don’t hang out without me

C. Not really

D. They have never met my friends

8. The holidays are coming up, and it’s time to visit the family. What are your plans?

A. We invite both families over for a huge get-together and have a great time!

B. We visit my partner’s family during the day and then visit my family in the evening

C. Our families don’t really get along, so we just spend the holidays together instead

D. My partner’s family doesn’t like me (or my family doesn’t like my partner) so we don’t bother visiting either of our families

9. Were you two friends before you started dating?

A. Yes, for a few years

B. Yes, for a few months

C. We were friends, but not super close

D. No, we just met and then started dating

10. You and your partner want to go out for dinner. How do you decide on a restaurant?

A. We love the same restaurants, so we just talk about it and easily decide on a restaurant

B. We’re both pretty laid-back, so we just head into the city and pick a restaurant

C. We alternate who gets to choose the restaurant

D. We spend most of the night arguing, so we just end up getting fast food

11. When it comes to family finances, are you both on the same page?

A. Yes, always

B. Most of the time

C. Not so much

D. We are polar opposites

12. Do you both agree on the subject of kids?

A. Yes, we are on the same page

B. Yes, we have talked about it a few times

C. We have not talked about it yet

D. We disagree

13. Do your political views align with those of your partner?

A. Yes

B. Most of them

C. Very few

D. Not at all

14. How do you spend your leisure time?

A. We both have our respective hobbies, but shared interests as well

B. We spend that time together

C. We have our individual interests

D. We spend it with other people

15. Do your religious views come together?

A. Yes

B. We practice different religions, but there is respect for both

C. No

D. We practice different religions and often disagree on most beliefs

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