What Is Your Fetish Quiz

Juliana Alpízar
Verified Marriage & Family Therapist Reviewed By
Juliana Alpízar, Sex Therapist
Juliana Alpízar
Sex Therapist
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Juliana Alpízar is a Sexologist and Coach specializing in unconventional sexual practices. She uses her knowledge in Communication and coaching to support individuals,... Read More

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 65439 | Updated: Nov 18, 2024

To an object, body part, or action?

People have preferences for certain things. Some call these preferences fetishes. The nature of what is considered a fetish changes drastically depending on your culture. The word fetish boils down to liking/being attracted to something.

So, do you have any fetish, or do you not know about it yet?

Find out with this "What is Your Fetish"? Quiz.

Questions Excerpt

1. Which place do you visit first in a shopping mall?

A. To a store with awesome mannequins

B. I'll go to the first store and then to the fitting room

C. To a store with fine bags or shoes

2. Which of these colors is the most attractive one in your opinion?

A. Purple

B. Red

C. Black

3. If you're attracted to a person, what do you find attractive about them?

A. They somewhat are like me

B. They are really attractive

C. They have a great body

4. What would you give to your friend on their birthday?

A. A picture of me, as a keepsake

B. A fine bag or wallet

C. A stylish hoodie

5. What are the things you pay attention to when dating someone?

A. To the clothes of my partner

B. To my partner's body

C. To my reflection in the mirror

6. Which of these phrases best describes your style?

A. I like all the beautiful clothes

B. Everything fits me. Whatever I put on, I'm unmatched

C. It depends on my mood

7. How important is self-care?

A. Very much

B. No idea

C. I don't believe in the concept of self-care

8. What do you value the most in life?

A. Love

B. Sex

C. Family

9. What is the most attractive thing you find in a person?

A. Eyes

B. Height

C. The way one talks

10. How do you like to be treated on special occasions?

A. I always like surprises

B. With loads and loads of gifts

C. With warm and meaningful hugs

11. When watching a movie, which aspect captivates you the most?

A. The physical appearance of the actors

B. The costumes and fashion

C. The scenery and locations

12. What kind of gifts do you prefer to receive?

A. Jewelry or accessories

B. Books or arts

C. Experiences, like concert tickets or a spa day

13. During a romantic dinner, what detail is most important to you?

A. The ambiance and decoration of the place

B. The quality of the conversation

C. The presentation and taste of the food

14. Which of these vacation destinations appeals to you the most?

A. A bustling city known for its fashion and nightlife

B. A secluded beach with natural beauty

C. A historical town with rich culture and art

15. What type of social activity do you enjoy the most?

A. Going to a trendy club or party

B. Attending a workshop or class (e.g., cooking, art)

C. A quiet evening with close friends at home

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