Will He Cheat Again Quiz

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 1265 | Updated: May 20, 2024

Is once a cheater always a cheater? That is not necessarily the case, but it is also true that some men are serial cheaters. After an infidelity episode, it is tough to rebuild trust and go to bed at night without any worries.
Will he cheat again or not? Becomes difficult to figure out? Betrayal can destroy a relationship by bringing doubt and mistrust into the relationship, which is very difficult to combat. However, some signs indicate a man will continue to cheat. Take this quiz and see if he displays the signs suggesting he will be unfaithful again!

Questions Excerpt

1. Does he seem to be easily attracted to other women you meet?

A. No, not at all

B. Sometimes

C. At times, yes

D.  Yes, he changes his behavior completely

2. Is he intimate and affectionate towards you?

A. Yes, he makes me feel special

B. Yes, sometimes

C. In rare moments

D. No, not at all

3. Does he spend more quality time with you now?

A. Yes, he makes sure that we connect emotionally and physically

B. Yes, he does

C. Kind of

D. No, not at all

4. What was the nature of their infidelity?

A. A drunken mistake that happened once

B. One time thing with someone they knew

C. He had an affair and fell in love

D. Flings with multiple women

5. Can you see that he's making a real effort to make things right?

A. Yes, totally

B. Yes, I can see several changes

C. Kind of 

D. No, not at all

6. Does he blame you for his infidelity?

A. No, not at all

B. He has done that once or twice

C. Yes, many times

D. Yes, all the times

7. How did you find out that he had cheated on you?

A. He told me about it

B. I found some clue in his behavior and he confirmed it

C. Someone else told me about it

D. I caught him red-handed with the other person

8. Is he very possessive and protective of his phone?

A. No, not at all

B. In rare moments

C. Yes, most of the time

D. Yes, all the time

9. Is he open and honest when it comes to sharing details about his infidelity?

A. Yes, he is ready to share everything

B. He shares a lot of details but I don’t really want to know

C. Depends on the question

D. No, he is very guarded and defensive about it

10. Was this the first time that he cheated on you?

A. Yes, for sure

B. Yes, I think so 

C. I'm not sure

D. No, he has done this before

11. Has your partner sincerely apologized for cheating on you?

A. I think his apology was somewhat acceptable

B. I think he was sincere

C. Not sure he was sincere

D. No

12. Does he ever claim you are jealous and crazy?

A. Never

B. Maybe once

C. Sometimes

D. Every day

13. What is your intuition saying to you?

A. That he got over the affair

B. That he may still be thinking about the other woman

C. That they are still seeing each other

D. That he continues to cheat on me

14. If you change your look significantly. Will he notice?

A. Yes, immediately

B. Not in the first moment

C. After a few hour or days

D. Not at all

15. Do you feel your partner is attentive towards you?

A. Yes, we are truly connected

B. Most of the time, yes

C. He seems disinterested sometimes

D. He’s off in his own world

16. Is he very attentive to his hygiene and physical appearance?

A. Not more than usual

B. I haven't noticed anything

C. Yes, slightly

D. Yes, definitely

17. What reason does he offer for having cheated?

A.  He lost his way and it's his fault completely

B. It was a silly mistake

C. He was seduced by the other woman

D. He says all men cheat

18. How is the quality of sex in your relationship?

A. Very good

B. Good

C. Average

D. Bad

19. Did he cut contact with the other woman?

A. Yes

B. Probably yes

C. I am not sure

D. No, and he always finds excuses not to

20. Does he listen to you and contain his emotional outbursts?

A. Always

B. Most times

C. Sometimes

D. Rarely

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