What Should I Buy My Boyfriend For Christmas Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 207 | Updated: Dec 20, 2022

Have you been wondering, “What does my boyfriend want for Christmas?” Sometimes it could be challenging to find the perfect gift for that special guy in your life. 

If you are struggling to decide what to get your boyfriend for Christmas and he isn’t giving you any hints, this quiz can help narrow it down for you and find something your boyfriend will be sure to love. Take the short quiz now to reveal the best gift for your guy!

Questions Excerpt

1. Which of these would be most appealing to your boyfriend?

A. Home improvement/Hands-on projects

B. Entertaining/Having parties

C. Self-care/Comfort

D. Living a simple life

2. What is the budget for the gift?

A. Under $20

B. $20-$50

C. $50-$100

D. Doesn’t matter

3. What is your boyfriend’s style most like?

A. Rustic

B. Contemporary

C. Fashion-forward

D. He doesn’t really have a style

4. Which of these categories is most relevant to something you are looking for?

A. Household items

B. Monthly subscription boxes

C. Practical items

D. Not really sure

5. How long have you been dating your boyfriend?

A. A few months

B. 6 months

C. A year

D. Several years

6. Which of these personality traits does your boyfriend possess?

A. Hardworking

B. Outgoing

C. Creative

D. All/None

7. Is your boyfriend a clean cut type of guy or more of a rugged outdoorsman?

A. Rugged outdoorsman

B. In between the two

C. Clear cut

D. Neither

8. Which of these does your boyfriend most enjoy?

A. Hiking/camping/fishing

B. Home projects/Hosting parties at his home

C. Keeping up with the latest trends/Trying new things

D. All of the above

9. Which of these does your boyfriend do the most?

A. Hands-on projects

B. Cook/Clean

C. Travel

D. Work

10. What are your thoughts while buying a gift for your boyfriend?

A. I try to find something very useful, but also thoughtful

B. I always try to make gifts more personal

C. I always try to be creative with my gift ideas

D. I always try to get him something practical that he really needs

11. Is your boyfriend a sentimental person?

A. Yes, he is very sentimental about the little things

B. No, he is usually very practical about things

C. He is sometimes

D. He is sentimental about things that matter to him

12. Does your boyfriend enjoy the Christmas season?

A. Yes, it is his favorite time of the year

B. Yes, he likes it

C. Sometimes he does


13. Is your boyfriend someone who likes trying new things?

A. Yes, he loves trying out new things

B. No, not really

C. Yes, to some extent

D. He likes collecting certain things

14. Is your boyfriend someone who pays attention to home interiors?

A. No, he is more focused on practical things

B. Yes, he appreciates good home aesthetics

C. To some degree

D. He likes changing things up at some points

15. What would be the perfect day for your boyfriend?

A. He would love to spend more time doing outdoor activities

B. He would love to explore new things and places

C. He would love to relax at home

D. He would love to attend to his to-do list

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